Friday, 26 June 2009

Warning, fake email

Lately I have been busy which is why I have not updated too much. I have just moved into a new house and that is slowly coming to look like a home now. This is in a nice place outside of the CBD yet it is still inner city in feel yet also has the appeal of being in the suburbs. Transport to the city is quite limiting which is a pain.

I am not sure if other people have received an increase in the number of emails trying to get you to give your bank details, yet i seem to average about 2-3 per month. I like the ones from banks which I have never had accounts with. The most recent one I received was from the ATO (Australian tax office). They went to such convincing efforts that I nearly bought it, yet something about the message gave it away that it was fake.

In case the you cant read the text I have copied it here:
You have get a Tax Refund on your Visa or MasterCard.
Complete the formular, and get your Tax Refund.

(Your Refund Amount Is 250.50 AUD)

Complete Formular

Friday, 3 April 2009


Cash Rules Everything Around Me

Every now and then by luck alone I find that I will stumble on to something that hits on many levels. Today I was searching for Tang (the orange drink) to see if I could get it in Australia. Well, on the google results I saw an entry for Wu Tang Finance. Well lately, I have to say that CREAM has a lot more meaning.

In the news everyday there is something about how the economy is going down, way down and we are all destined to lose our jobs and our way of life. Ok, so the news is not that bad and the reality is much better than what is written in the newspapers, despite how the NGOs are trying to outdo each other with a more growth pessimistic forecast.

Who else saw this justice?

Well, I thought I might check out the Wu Tang Finance to see what it was and it drew right into the memory of the first time I heard the song CREAM. Throughout the Wu Tang Finance there were references to other songs which just seemed to send deeper into that memory. If the songs and term CREAM really means nothing to you, I am not sure how funny you will find this video, yet I am sure there are somethings you would laugh at. If you do know about the Wu then I am sure you will crack up like I did.


Chappelle's Show
Wu-Tang Financial
Charlie Murphy VideosBuy Chappelle's Show DVDsBlack Comedy

Friday, 27 March 2009


My thesis is about building an economic model of the world to understand energy and agriculture linkages or something like that. Well searching for something the other day I came across this link in the London Telegraph for Wunderland (Viewed original stuff here).

I was pretty blown away from looking at the pictures and was taken back to my childhood where I had legos and built little cities and other environments. I was amazed at the detail and was hungry for more. So I looked around a little more and came upon this video and thought I should share this from there website with you.

Monday, 16 February 2009


As you may have noticed on the news there has been a large amount of fires around Melbourne over the last few weeks. The lead up to the worst day was indeed a sign of what was to come. For over a week the temperature in Victoria (the state of which Melbourne is the capital) was over 35 C and for the last 3 days it was over 40 C.

These days basically killed and dried everything out. I have some pictures here on the way home from work over the week in which it cooled down. It is easy to be confused and think it was Autumn. Some pics below of this.

Near my house on the way home from work

The grass outside my home

On the day the fires broke out and in some case deliberately lit it was the hottest day ever recorded in Victoria, with the temperature being 46.6 C. I didn't feel hot yet dry. It really was just a dry heat where I felt the sun burning me black when outside. In the afternoon the sky and city had a sepia look as seen below. I was completely oblivious to the fires raging about 100 km North-East of Melbourne.

The sky in Melbourne the day of the fires.

I did catch on later as I read the newspaper. I was a little concerned about where the fires were. I was relieved to find out none where near my Dad's. He was a little oblivious too, and only when the smoke came over at about 6 pm he became very concerned. Although the fires were far from his house and he was safe, it was unsettling. Here are some photos of the smoke clouds coming to Rosedale.

Photos from my Dad in Rosedale

On Friday the 13th I noticed that once again Melbourne still had that smokey feeling, a taste of smoke in the air, and the sepia look as seen above. Yet when I was running, I found myself drawn to looking at the sun, like a sun worshiper. I was in awe of its power to destroy and create energy. The sun was sitting bright in the red sky reminding us all about its power. Too bad the solar industry has been crippled by the coal industry in Australia.

The sun in the sky in Melbourne 6 days after the fires. Reminding us of its power.

I recall once debating with Eric (from LX) about what was worse a cyclone (hurricane/ typhoon) or a tornado and conceded that tornadoes dump all over cyclones in power. After reading some of the stories of survivors from the fires, for example statements like napalm running through the jungles, or an animal trying to trap its prey at breakneck speed, I think the firestorm is more powerful then the tornado. Thankfully, there frequency is less.

Many people I know have been affected by this tragedy. There is some good news. People have been very charitable and have raised around 100 million dollars for the affected people. I hope this will help the people affected to rebuild there lives.

Photos from the newspaper

Near the the town where I attended the wine and salsa night

The station at the town
The fires from the North East of Melbourne at about 8pm of the worst day

The firestorm approaching the Marysville

Marysville after the fire passed.

Monday, 19 January 2009

Booze News

Peru’s top court has ruled that workers cannot be fired for being drunk, a decision the Government says sets a dangerous precedent. The Constitutional Tribunal said the firing of a janitor was excessive because even though he was drunk, he did not offend or hurt anybody.

Saturday, 17 January 2009

One night in Paris

It has been a long time coming yet I have finally got a post up. I intended to do this a while back yet I got distracted with other things and was not sure if I should use flash or video. After thinking and playing for a while it seemed best to go back to video. Then video had some problems which I was able to resolve.

Well definitely enjoyed my trip to France and wish to go back. I felt absorbed in the 17 and 18th centuries as I moved around the streets. Most of things I saw were older than Australia and larger than most things in Australia. Not even sure why at the very end when I looked at the the Arc de Triompe that i still said "Damn! that is so big" still.

The highlight for me in Paris were the Arenes de Lutece (Roman ruins), seeing the Eiffel Tower, and entering the Luxemburg Gardens. Although the temperature moved from minuses to positives here I still imagined being a gladiator and fighting off lions and stuff. From there it was not long to see the Eiffel Tower standing tall in the distance. When I entered the Luxemburg Gardens it felt as if I entered a whole new place, as the sun started to shine and the grey was painted over with greenery energising me. Even though it was still cold it did not feel that way there.

I did the Davinci Tour on my own, noting spots that I could remember in the book and making sure I put them into my voyage. I saw the Louvre Pyramid, (no grail though that I could see), the Garden of Tuileries, and the Church of Saint Suplice. I forgot to check out the Rose Line yet I plan to go back one day.

I wanted to climb the Eiffel Tower except when I arrived there it looked like all of Europe had the same idea and it started to rain so I thought I would do it next time. My path around Paris is as follows Charles De Gaulle Airport, Chatelet Station & Formum de Halles, Place de Victories (sunrise here at 8am local time), Hotel, Breakfast at the cafe near the Louvre, Hotel de Ville, Notre Dame, St Stevens du Mont, Panethon, Arenes de Lutece Roman ruins, Jardin du Luxemburg, Palais du Luxemberg, St Suplice, Jardin of Babylone, Dome des Invalides (camera battery started to redlight), Eiffel Tower, Palais de Chailot, Palais de Tokyo, Avenue des Champs Elysees, Arc de Triomphe, Palais de l'Elysee, Place de Concorde, Jardin des Tuileries, Jardin du Carrousel, The Louvre Pyramid, and finally after 8 hours back to the cafe and on to the hotel for a planned shower and 5 minute power nap, before the next part. That is my speed tourism of Paris and when I come back I will be here longer and hope to spend time appreciating more. In the meantime I am inspired to enroll in French classes so that I can do more than order food and ask directions**.

Photo movie of my wanderings around Paris, to an unusual French song.
(Couldn't really find a song that fit so i just picked on I liked.)

** Can that happen to me? I remember in two and half years in Vietnam that was the limit of my language skills.