Friday, 31 August 2007

Rosedale, 3847, Australia

Rosedale is where I have called home since I have arrived in Australia. It is a big town of about 1000 birds. We have lots of birds nesting outside the house and I sometimes just enjoy watching them play. Soon it will be magpie season so I hope I will be safe. A magpie is a vicious black and white bird that swoops on you when you aren’t looking. Besides the birds it is rather peaceful here, I hardly know anyone else is around. Looking for a job and a house have been rather tough activities. The train takes a nice 2.5 hours to get to Melbourne, and the trains so infrequent (3 times daily early am, midday, early evening) that it is a rather time consuming adventure. I have taken some pictures of my times here in Rosedale so that you can see what it is like.
Just off the main rd (Princes St or the Princes Highway), downtown.

The main st a.k.a the Princes Highway.

If you follow the main rd you can go to Melbourne if west or Sydney if you go east. This route to Sydney is longer yet more beautiful with the Pacific Ocean on your left side.

Yes that is ice on the ground. Rosedale is absolutely freezing.

I have been lucky enough to see this a few times well a lot more than a few times when I have gone to Melbourne. I feel that the cold weather always shows itself when I need to go to town. And the answer to your second question is yes, the sun is on the way up.

Ned Kelly's Bakery is the bread spot in town.

There are quite a few references to Ned Kelly in town, mostly all at this bakery.

One of the sulphur laden sunsets that we see here as the sun goes down over the northwestern sky.

There are numerous power plants near by that lover to pour sulphur into the air so that occasionally I can taste and smell it. Plus they also have a by product (an externality
tec[h]onomic speak) of allowing me to use lights, computers, and watch DVDs.

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