When did there become more overweight people in the world. For me I felt it happened a little over 8 years ago. I never knew that I was keeping pace with the rest of the world and we all became overweight on the same day. I feel though I am not to blame. My brain is good at telling me that I am hungry and not so good at telling me when I am full.
So now I know I am fat and there is no point to fight it. Just accept it. It is apparent that most other Australians have. When one of my co workers saw that Australians are overweight workaholics she laughed out loud and said I only have met one Australian and that would be the description I would give anyone about Australians. Well, I must admit at the moment I am very busy, so it was a fair representation. Satisfied and unstressed is how I would put it. So if you are feeling stressed I want you think about this poor little doggy, Australia’s most stressed resident.
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